16-17 Pupil Premium
A full comprehensive costed Pupil Premium Strategy is submitted to governors at the start of every year and evaluated termly
Pupil Premium Summary 2016-2017: £93,720
Carry Forward from 2015-16: £48,628
Total: £142,348
Total Spent So Far:
Review Date: September 2017
Pastoral Manager to Work with Children and Families
Barriers to Learning
- Children need to be in school, ready to learn for any other approaches to make a difference
- Parents attitudes to school can sometimes be an underlying cause to thier child's poor attendance
Key Objectives
- Undertake behaviour interventions alongside the Pastoral Support Worker
- Liaison with external agencies
- Provide a range of support for families
- Line manage the Pastoral Support Worker
- Safeguarding policies are followed correctly within school
- All new staff to have induction on relevant policies and procedures
- Inclusion files to be looked at every 3 weeks
- Regular meeting with Pastoral Support Worker
- Attendance is monitored and policy and procedures are followed for PA pupils
Outcomes of Actions
- Above 95.6% attendance
- 0 PA pupils
- Behaviour in school is exemplery
- MW is aware of issues at home that may contribute to poor attendance or behaviour
- Relevent external agencies are involved
- All staff are aware of relevant policies and procedures
- Pastoral Support Worker is fully inducted into role
- Pastorla Support Worker fulfils role successfully
- Ongoing
Barriers to learning
- Behaviour - pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
Key Objectives
- To provide a counselling service for the children where appropriate
- To provide a counselling service for the staff, primarily MW and Pastoral Support Worker
- To identify children that require counselling, in liaison with parents
- Assessments to be completed- baseline and exit
- MW and Pastoral Worker to meet with counsellor every month
Outcomes of Actions
- Referral system in place
- Children indentified and supported
- Improvements in assessments
- Progress amde with academic subjects
- MW and Pastoral Support Worker emotionally supported in their role
- Ongoing
- Children to see Counsellor weekly/fortnightly as appropriate
- Length of time spent with Counsellor will vary for each child
- Staff to see Counsellor monthly initially
Breakfast Club
Barriers to learning
- Children need to be in school, ready to learn for any other approaches to make a difference
- Punctuality ensure no learning time is lost at the start of the school day
Key Objectives
- Identified children to attend breakfast club to improve attendance and attainment within school.
- Children to be identified and invited to breakfast club
- Attendance of these pupils to be monitored
Outcomes of Actions
- Children with poor attendance PA children attend breakfast club
- Attendance % within school increases
- Children have a healthy breakfast and a good start to the day
- Daily
Read, Write inc Phonics
Barriers to learning
- Poor language and vocabulary
- Oral language development and vocabulary
Key Objectives
- Children’s reading and writing to be at least in line with National Expectations
- Teaching assistant to work 1-1 with identified pupils
- Assess the impact of this intervention half termly
- Review as necessary
- Termly development days to up-skill Reading Leader
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading, writing and SPAG are at least in line with National Expectations
- Children's writing in books will show progress over time
- The gap between PP children and non PP children will narrow
- Children to be indentified for 1-1 tuition Autumn term and assessed half termly.
- Resources to be purchase when necessary
- Children to be identified for 1-1 tuition Autumn term and assessed half termly.
- Resources can be purchased when necessary
Read Write Inc Literacy and Language and Spelling
Barriers to learning
- Oral Language development and vocabulary
Key Objectives
- Children’s reading and writing to be at least in line with National Expectations
- Group children appropriately
- Read Write Inc Spelling to be delivered at least 4x weekly
- XM to support staff and complete regular monitoring activities for the Spelling and Literacy and Language program
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading and writing and SPAG are in line with National Expectations
- Children's writing in books will show progress over time
- The gap between PP children and non PP children will narrrow
- Development days throughout the year. Training in house ongoing
After School 1-1 Tutition
Barriers to learning
- Low confidence and self esteem working in a large group
- Understanding skills
- Listening and attention skills
Key Objectives
- Children’s reading and writing to be at least in line with National Expectations
- Teachers to work 1-1 with identified pupils
- Order necessary resources to deliver tuition program.
- Assess the impact of this intervention half termly
- Review as necessary
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading, writing and maths are in line with National Expectations
- Children's work will show progress over time
- The gap between PP children and non PP children will narrow
- Children to be indentified in Autumn term
- Staff to be indentified in Autumn term
Parents Workshops
Barriers to learning
- No support at home due to lack of understanding the new curriculum/expectations
- Low parental engagement with school
Key Objectives
- Key strategies taught in school are delivered to parents
- To identify the key priorities to deliver to parents
- To consult parents on which workshops they would like to attend.
- Staff to prepare and deliver the workshops to parents
Outcomes of Actions
- Parents understand how children are taught within school
- Parents know how they can support their child at home
- Positives relationships between home and school are developed
- Workshops to be delivered termly
Barriers to learning
- Less access to enrichment activities with families
- Therefore no previous knowledge to build on to support within curriculum topics
Key Objectives
- To subside educational visits/ visitors
- To provide PP pupils with experiences to enhance their learning and give them new experiences
- Subside costings for PP pupils depending on whole costing of trip
- Ensure that all PP pupils attend the visits
- No PP pupil misses a visit due to implication on cost
Outcomes of Actions
- All PP pupils attend visits
- Increased enthusiasm to learning as a result of the visit
- Visits/visitors to be arranged for each class termly
Library/IPC resources
Barriers to learning
- Weak language and communication skills
- Access to books
- Oral language development and vocabulary
Key Objectives
- To encourage a love of reading
- To enhance teaching and learning through topics
- Relevant books and resources to be provided, relevant to the topic being taught in class
Outcomes of Actions
- Children develop a love of reading
- Children able to explain knowledge and understanding of the topic
- Resources to be ordered throughout the year
Barriers to learning
- Low confidence and self esteem.
- No quiet area for reflection and time out in the classroom
Key Objectives
- Children to understand the importance of SMSC and their role within this
- Artist to create crosses for the school hall
- All classrooms to have purposeful reflection areas, all linked to a different them
Outcomes of Actions
- Children are able to reflect in a purposeful area of the classroom
- Children can talk in detail about methodist values
- Ongoing
Wider Opportunities - Music Service
Barriers to learning
- Low confidence with academic subjects
- Lack of enrichment activities outside of school
- Lack of teamwork skills
Key Objectives
- Children in year 4 to learn an instrument
- Children to work with the music service weekly
Outcomes of Actions
- Children will be able to play the drums to a high standard.
- Increase memory
- Develop hand eye coordination
- Build resiliences
- Weekly
- Termly concerts
Singapore Maths
Barriers to Learning
- Low confidence and self esteem
- Engagement and involvement in Mathematics
- Enjoyment of the subject
Key Objectives
- Children’s maths attainment is at least in line with national Expectations
- All classes from Y1-6 to deliver effective Singapore Maths teaching
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within Maths are in line with National Expectations
- Children's writing in books will show progress over time
- The gap between PP children and non PP children will narrow
- Begin in September
- Ongoing
Forest School
Barriers to Learning
- Engagement and involvement in the classroom
- Low Levels off well being and self confidence
- Lack of teamwork skills
Key Objectives
- Children in Year 3, 4 and 5 to regularly attend a Forest School to develop their knowledge of the world
- Research and find out about the local Forest schools and how it works
- Set up fortnightly visits to a Forest School with Year 3, 4 and 5
Outcomes of Actions
- Children develop socially
- Children have experiences beyond the classroom
- Children to work better together in the classroom
- Reduced number of low level incidents of children not getting along
- Research and set up Autumn Term 1
- Years 3, 4, 5 to access Forest School fortnightly
Peer Tutoring
Barriers to Learning
- Low self esteem and confidence
- Levels of engagement and involvement
Key Objectives
- Children to become tutors to support their peers within specific subjects
- CW and AR to attend training
- Staff the be trained
- Children to be training in how to be a peer tutor
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading and writing and maths are at least in line with National Expectations
- All children participate in peer tutoring. Confidence will increase
- Initial training November 2016
- Implementing Spring 1
IXL - online learning
Barriers to Learning
- Motivation to complete homework
- Parental involvement in home learning
Key Objectives
- Children's maths attainment is at least in line with National Expectations
- Staff to trial website
- Children to be registered and trained how to use it
- Children begin to use this at home
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading, writing and maths are at least in line with National Expectations
- Increase in % of children participating in home learning
- Positive attitudes to learning
- Further development in home school relationships
- Begin using IXL in Autumn 2
Extras: £34,399
Total expected spend: £107,949