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Parents should understand that attendance is an issue for our school. We are asking for your support in improving whole school attendance and punctuality.

Lateness after the register is closed is classed as an unauthorised absence.

190 days attended

(in each academic year)

180 days attended 178 days attended

171 days attended

(more than 18 days absence)


Best chance of success

95% 94% 90%

We want your child to attend regularly to support their learning. The impact on a child's education through lost learning is huge. Attendance is essential to ensure that all children fulfil their potential. Poor attendance can also have a negative impact on:

  • Friendships
  • Self-esteem and confidence

The definition of good attendance in Wigan is 98% or better. Some would say 90% is good attendance - in a test, scoring 90% would be great, but this is not the same for attendance. In fact, 90% attendance is equivalent to missing one day of school every fortnight! That is 19 days across a year missed or, in other words, almost a month of school! 

Persistent Absence

It is considered that attendance of 90% or below is peristent absence. Failing to improve on 90% can lead to prosecution, which school wants families to avoid. Although 90% sounds reasonably good, it means your child misses:

  • One-half day each week
  • Nearly 4 weeks every school year

By missing out on regular schooling, some children are having to constantly try to catch up on their peers. Having chunks of knowledge missing really disadvantages your child compared to their classmates.

At Westleigh Methodist Primary School, attendance for every child is monitored. We work to support all who are not attending school without sufficient reason. School's pastoral manager, school counsellor and work with the charity, 'AllChild', all support children where needed.

Parental Role in Attendance

The parental role in ensuring children attend school daily is key, and as such, we expect parents/carers to fulfil their legal responsibility to ensure their child has good time keeping and attendance.  This means your child must attend, on time, every day that the school is open, except in a small number of allowable circumstances such as being too ill to attend or being given permission for an absence, in advance, from school. When children cannot attend school, we expect parents to report the absence as soon as possible and no later than 9am which is when registration closes. 

Excellent attendance at school is vital to securing the greatest possible personal development and academic progress for each child. We expect all families to be committed to excellent attendance. If you feel your child has a mild illness then please send them into school and staff will monitor and ring you if needed. In a small number of incidences your child maybe too ill to attend, we expect you to report the absence as soon as possible and no later than 9am which is when registration closes.  

Improving Attendance

There are things to improve your child's attendance and avoid falling into th persistent absence category. 

  • Keep up to date with what % attendance your child has
  • Speak to school staff with any concerns
  • Take family holidays outside term time (these will be classed as unauthorised)
  • Talk to your child about the importance of them being in school and let them know how important you feel it is
  • Wherever possible, make medical and dental appointments outside school hours or during the holidays

Attendance and Punctuality Incentives

At Westleigh Methodist Primary School, we offer a range of rewards for good attendance as we want all our children to 'Attend like a Star', which means being in school every day and on time. 

Weekly Awards

We have the weekly winning class for the highest attendance and strongest punctuality for the previous week and the winning classes receive a Shining Star trophy for the week.

Every child who gains 100% attendance each week gains a raffle ticket into the prize fund. This raffle is drawn at the end of the year and the winner is able to choose a bike or scooter! The more times a child received 100% for the week then the more chances they have of winning!

Termly Awards

Each child who gains 100% attendance for the whole term (Autumn, Spring and Summer) is invited to that term’s attendance award at the end of the term.

Yearly Awards

Each child with 100% attendance for the whole year receives a prize at our yearly Oscar’s Awards in July.