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2015-2016 Sports Premium

Westleigh Methodist Primary School

PE and Sport Premium Action Plan 2015/16

Sports Funding 15/16: £8650
Carry Forward 15/16: £4209.79
Total: £12,859

to introduce activities specifically aimed at enabling the most able pupils to achieve high standards in PE and Sport

Actions and strategies

  • Elite sports will identify any Gifted & Talented pupils during their assessment week. PE Coordinator to review assessment data and liaise with elite to identify further opportunities for pupils, i.e. sports clubs.
  • To audit the current provision for Gifted & Talented pupils – make sure that they are sign-posted to clubs. If provision is not provided PE lead will consider a block of external sessions (possible sessions with ATSA or Westleigh High School).
  • Staff to identify children who are working as higher ability. To use objectives in workbooks to identify pupils and challenge appropriately with next year group objectives.
  • Gifted and Talented Policy for Physical Education to be written and approved to provide further guidance for staff.
  • Staff questionnaires to be disseminated to assess current provision provided for gifted and talented children.

Impact and sustainable outcomes

  • Through discussions with elite. PE lead has identified Gifted & Talented pupils.
  • They will have extra opportunities in specific field.
  • Links have been forged with a wider range of sports clubs. A promotion campaign has begun using the PE noticeboard. Sign-posts to sports clubs are regularly advertised and updates according to the pupils requirements.
  • The range of extra-curricular activities has increased through lunch-time and after school provision and improved resources/equipment.
  • Continuing to use ‘provision’ monitoring tool has enabled clubs to target pupils with lower participation rates.


Elite Coaching

External clubs for most able children, in school and out of school clubs


After-school resources


Evaluation and impact

  • The PE lead attended a PE coordinators meeting and disseminated key information to staff. This has helped to inform the school action plan. Links have been made with other schools in the Westleigh ‘cluster’ and the Sainsbury’s School Games Coordinator to devise a competition calendar for the year 2015/2016.
  • A long-term plan for PE has been devised to ensure access to intra and inter school competitions. The long term plan will enable pupils to be adequately ‘prepared’ for school competitions. The school competition calendar has enabled us to maximise the opportunities available to our pupils. This year we have selected a variety of events accessible to a range of year groups.
  • The School Games noticeboard has been enhanced to include multiple flyers for local clubs. There is a log book provided for children to log their interest to enable PE lead to monitor and support pupils’ interest. Elite coaching solutions have carried out and targeted "Gifted & Talented" children and are devising a portfolio of data with extra-curricular options for children. This will provide details of local grassroots clubs that they are building links with and opportunities they have for children as extra-provision outside of school.
  • Elite coaching solutions have completed a termly assessment of pupils’ progress. Assessment data has been collated and will be distributed to staff. The data highlights Gifted and Talented Pupils. As a result, PE lead has used a targeted Pupil Voice questionnaire to identify extra-curricular provision requested by Gifted & Talented pupils. Local outside clubs/agencies have been identified as an additional route into sport.
  • A gifted and talented policy has been developed and is due to be sent to School Governors for approval. The policy has outlined how children will be identified and what provision should be provided from the class teacher and physical education leader.
  • Staff questionnaires are due to be distributed along with the approved gifted and talented policy. Teaching staff will provide feedback regarding support required to provide provision for gifted and talented children.
  • Additional after-school clubs have been arranged to provide specific provision for pupils, including athletics and football.
  • A programme of events were delivered for Gifted and Talented pupils.

Next Steps:

  • To address feedback and provide development opportunities for staff in order to improve provision for gifted and talented children 2016/2017.

School Sport – To increase opportunities for participation, including ‘non participants’ through school 

Actions and strategies

  • Carry out a pupil voice to monitor the participation rates of pupils recognised as having low participation rates Summer Term 2.
  • To identify which sports clubs pupils would like to attend. Liaise with staff and after-school clubs coordinator to organise opportunities for Spring Term.
  • A Long-term plan for Physical Education will be created to ensure the correct national curriculum coverage for relevant age groups. The plan will also consider inter and intra-school competitions to increase competition participation rates.
  • Liaise with colleagues at PE Networking Meeting regarding entry to Atherton & Tyldesley Sports Association Events.
  • To liaise with Westleigh High School for sporting opportunities and ‘specialist’ provision.
  • To undertake a review of the swimming ability of children currently having swimming lessons and to offer any arising places to identified children in Year 4, 5 and 6 who have not yet met the desired standard:  that all children can swim at a competent level by the end of Key Stage 2.
  • Year 4 to attend a one day off-site residential.
  • A Change4Life club will be led weekly by Elite Coaching. Change4Life activities will be delivered to pupils identified as non-participants – through monitoring of extra-curricular clubs/outside sports clubs, also elite coaching monitoring & evaluation of performance.
  • Additional extra-curricular provision provided by external coaches.

Impact and sustainable outcomes

  • A pupil voice has been completed by those identified by non-participants. Ideas of what they like have been taken into account. Extra-curricular and sport activities have been recorded.
  • The long-term plan has enabled better organisation of events and communication between cluster schools. Extended participation in competitive school sport has been successfully organised (cluster competitions).
  • Engagement and enjoyment at lunch and break times increases along with improved behaviour at lunchtimes.
  • Continuing to use ‘provision’ monitoring tool has enabled clubs to target pupils with lower participation rates.
  • Swimming lessons are offered to all Year 3 pupils to ensure that all children can swim at a competent level by the end of Key Stage 2.
  • Non-participants will be encouraged to participate on a weekly basis. They will be introduced to a range of sustainable activities and introduced to the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • An increased number of children are attending extra-curricular sports clubs.


After-school clubs external provision

Supply cost for release of PE lead

Transport Cost

Catch up swimming

Evaluation and impact:

  • A review of lunch time coaching was undertaken by the learning mentor. It was decided to carry in with the current provision as the structured timetable of events was having a positive impact on behaviour and participation.
  • Year 6 children have submitted job applications and have been interviewed to become a member of the ‘School Sports Crew’.  They have become more responsible for Physical education and the delivery/umpiring of lunchtime sports. These children have been timetabled to support Elite Coaching on a weekly basis. They continue to work alongside adults to help deliver a sporting lunchtime programme.
  • Termly assessment completed by Elite Coaching Solutions has identified ‘non-participants’. This has enabled PE Lead to ensure lunchtime provision provided by teaching assistants includes a ‘Change for Life’ Club to encourage and increase participation.

Next Steps:

  • To meet with the ICT lead to begin to develop a Sports Blog. This will be aimed at celebrating the success of pupils involved in extra-curricular sport, cluster competitions and the School Games events.
  • To monitor lunchtime provision ensuring that the children have the correct equipment to be able to carry out and continue the lunchtime provision provided by elite.
  • A school blog was set up for School Sports Crew report on sporting opportunities provided. Sports Crew will upload photographs, interview children and report on the competitions.
  • Sports coach to issue certificates for children for their sporting achievements.
  • Key stage two children attended a high 5’s netball competition at Westleigh high school. The competition was publicised in the school newsletter to raise our sporting profile. This experience also helped to create links with the High School and ease transition at the end of Key Stage 2.
  • During Summer term 2, all year groups will receive a specialist dance workshop. The celebration of the Olympic Games encourages lesser active individuals to participate in physical activity in the form of dance. This will also incorporate a cross-curricular learning opportunity during our international geography week.

Next steps:

  • To improve pupil voice further, we will be looking for ways to promote the Sports Crew and ways to run and manage this. Further roles and responsibilities to been given to the ‘Sports Crew’ include the updating of a sports blog (monitored and signed off by physical education lead). It is a possibility that a sports page will be accessible through the school website to celebrate and publicise the sporting achievements made throughout school.

to ensure the professional development of staff is systematically planned and tailored to the individual needs of teachers and classroom assistants 

Actions and strategies

  • To monitor the impact of professional development to ensure the lasting legacy of ‘good’ teaching of PE. To complete a CPD evaluation at the end of each term for the member of staff who received CPD provision.
  • Complete lesson drop-ins with elite coaching to ensure planning has been tailored to the individual development requirements of the class teacher.
  • Work and liaise with staff to produce P.E lessons that have high standard of differentiation.

Impact and sustainable outcomes

  • CPD questionnaires were sent out at the beginning of Autumn Term 1. This enabled the PE lead to systematically timetable for elite coaching to work 1:1 and alongside the year 6 class teacher and aid her delivery of a gymnastics scheme of work.
  • CPD questionnaire have been sent out at the end of Autumn term 1 in order to target staff during Autumn Term 2. The year 5 teacher will receive dance provision from elite to aid her delivery and assessment of children in this area.


Staff CPD where relevant

Evaluation and impact:

  • The CPD questionnaires were sent to staff at the beginning of Autumn Term 1. We have been able to work carefully with elite to ensure that all teachers are accessing quality CPD provision. The long term plan has also enabled the PE lead to fit CPD sessions around the curriculum requirements of each year group.
  • The purchase of new resources has enabled teachers to deliver curriculum requirements to all children confidently. There is an increased confidence that the resources are easily accessible, safe and fit for purpose. Elite coaching have been working with staff to ensure plans are followed and adapted as necessary.
  • The funding was used to employ Elite Coaching to deliver lunchtime activities. Elite deliver a lunchtime club to teaching assistants and two members of the ‘Sports Crew’ on a weekly basis, the TA’s are shown how to organise and deliver a number of games and activities which they lead for the remaining days of the week.
  • A revised CPD questionnaire was disseminated to staff. This provided further opportunity to review their needs and the requirements of children in their class following the first term. As a result, Elite Coaching were able to plan and support the Year 5 teacher appropriately and meet the requirements of pupils effectively. This will support the planning and delivery of future lessons.

Next Steps:

  • To monitor and evaluate the success of lunchtime clubs. To meet with teaching assistants to receive feedback. Is the provision provided by elite being transferred throughout the rest of the week by TA’s and the School Sports Crew?
  • Year 1 and reception teacher have received CPD from specialist coaches on their requested area for development. Feedback from staff has indicated that the CPD has been useful and has significantly improved their confidence in planning and teaching lessons in the future.
  • Guidance outlining how to provide development opportunities for gifted and talented children will be disseminated along with a staff questionnaire to outline additional areas for development needed.

Additional Costs:

General resources: £1589