Children as Leaders
Shaping the Future
At Westleigh Methodist Primary School, we recognise that our children are the leaders of the future and therefore provide a range of opportunities for children to develop their leadership skills. We believe that nurturing children's sense of responsibility and willingness to lead is a key element of preparing children to become productive and considerate citizens in the wider world.
All children are expected to take responsibility by:
- Tidying the classroom
- Helping with classroom jobs
The habits that children learn and practise when they are growing up follow them through into adulthood.
Key Leadership Roles
- Reading Club - children sharing a love of reading
Children wanted to share their love of reading with others in school. Mrs Taylor, our English Lead, has worked with children from KS1 and KS2 to develop two sets of leaders. Books are changed each week, so children are excited to share the texts at play time and dinner time. They have distinctive t-shirts to show their role as a leader within school.
- School council
Here is an extract from the school newsletter detailing the meeting of the school council in Autumn 2024 - 25.
We give regular updates in our school newsletter about how the work of the school council is progressing.
- ECO Council
Mrs Coleman supports our ECO Council. Here are our current councillors that took up their new roles in September 2024.
Here is an extract from our school newsletter detailing how our ECO Council are encouraging children to get involved in ECO projects in Autumn 2024 - 25.
The ECO Council chose the two winners of the photography competition. Both winners were awarded a £10 book voucher. Congratulations to Archie and Vasilisa for their amazing photographs - we are so proud of you.
- Child Chaplains
Our Child Chaplains have an extremely important role and work to support other in the school's Reflection Area. This is a special place where they organise activities to support children's wellbeing in a compassionate way. This truly reflects our methodist ethos of 'Do All You Can'.
They have prepared a schedule throughout the week:
- Meditation Monday - guided meditations with music and yoga mats
- Talk About it Tuesday - inviting children to share worries in the Worry Box, using mindfulness colouring
- Weave it Wednesday
- Think About it Thursday - writing prayers for our school's prayer net
- Funky Friday - art activities creating decorations linked to different faiths, such as Diva lamps to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali
Positive behaviour in the Reflection Area is encouraged by the Child Chaplains with their clear rules. This benefits all:
- Ethos Committee
In Autumn term 2024 - 25, our Ethos Committee have judged a competition to decide a new Westleigh Methodist end of day prayer. The children really 'rose to the occasion' and many entrants showed how important this was to us as a school. Thank you to the Ethos Committee for taking on such a crucial role in school.
Here is an extract from our school newsletter detailing this role.
The Ethos Committee have worked hard to produce their first newspaper of 2024 - 25. The children will continue to sell their paper on the playground in January. It is really informative and shares the great things we have done at Westleigh Methodist.
- Buddies
- Year 6 Prefects - newly appointed in Autumn 2024 - 25.
On Friday 6th December, I received a wonderful email from Mrs Horrocks, our Nursery teacher. This is what it said:
I cannot praise our Prefects, Amy and James high enough. They have been very supportive of our youngest learners and helped out with a variety of tasks in nursery. They have been a great help with our nativity video, supporting children to change into their costumes and maintain focus. They have shown maturity recognising the need to fade into the background while encouraging the little ones to give their best performance.
Mrs Coleman, the prefect's Year 6 teacher, and I were so proud of the two children. Both Amy and James came to my office to share some hot chocolate. A well deserved treat!
- Play Leaders
Here is an extract from the school newsletter sharing an update on our newly appointed Play Leaders in Autumn 2024 - 25.
- House Captains
School Council
Our School Council is an elected group of children who represent their class at regular meetings discussing a wide range of school issues. It gives our children the opportunity to be involved in decisions about the school, allows them to make suggestions and voice opinions about issues that concern them. School Council have the chance to develop areas of school priority or importance.
We strive to craft confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situations.
Play Leaders
At break and lunch times, our Play Leaders initiate games with children. They help to make our dinner times fun and enjoyable. They organise playground games and activities for children to participate in and work together to think of new, exciting activities for lunchtimes. Our Play Leaders benefit from training each year.
Freddy Fit's visit to Year 5 in Autumn term had a hugely positive impact. The full day workshop trained our Year 5 children to become Play Leaders. They now have a bank of activities to share with our younger pupils at break and dinner time. This adds to our leadership roles at Westleigh Methodist Primary School!
Our older children help to welcome and support our youngest children into our Westleigh Methodist Primary School family. They are a source of help and are good role models. When provided with these opportunities, we have seen children develop strong leadership skills and they are proud of the impact they have on younger pupils - preparing them well for high school and the future beyond.