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Name Date of Appointment Terms of Office Who appointed Date stepped down Responsibility
Amy Burkes 01/01/2024 ex-officio     Executive Headteacher
Shane Pilkington


Re-appointed 21/03/2023

4 Years Elected - Parent   Chair, Pupil Premium, Website, Maths, Personal Development
Sheila Pilkington 01/02/2022 4 years Staff   Behaviour, Christian Values, Wider Curriculum
Elspeth Brighton 23/03/2021 4 years Appointed - Foundation   Safeguarding and Pastoral
Fathima Razmila 23/03/2021 4 years Elected - Parent   Health & Safety, Wider Curriculum
Kelly Rigby 01/10/2022 4 years Staff   Assessment Data/Website/Wider Curriculum
Maureen Hilton 13/12/2023 4 years Appointed - Foundation   EYFS, English