Infinite Eight
Life Beyond the Taught Curriculum
The word 'school' comes from the Greek word 'schole' which means the 'leisure to be free of work to learn, think, reflect and educate oneself. The Infinite Eight strategy is designed to support Epworth Trust schools to implement 'schole' in its truest sense. It is an offer that takes into account the element of school life beyond the taught curriculum. It is hoped that by offering these opportunities, children will be active in their learning, enjoying the leisure to learn and follow personal journeys of self-discovery and reflection. It is hoped that it will support children on their way to become well-rounded individuals with the aspiration to be the best version of themselves.
‘Who knows where the inspiration that will carry someone onward
for the rest of their life may come from? The possibilities are limitless.’
Tim Peake
Soldier, pilot, parent and astronaut
The ‘Infinite Eight’ strategy outlines Epworth’s offer of eight opportunities for children to enjoy meaningful experiences beyond the taught curriculum during their time in an Epworth Trust school.
Eight and the Infinity Sign
The choice of the use of eight and the infinity sign has a certain symbolism.
- Infinity suggests endless possibilities which these opportunities may present for personal development and self-growth. The infinity symbol is also an inclusive symbol as it has chosen by some charities to raise awareness of neuro-diversity.
- The number eight is considered auspicious in Chinese culture and is synonymous with prosperity, whilst in Japan it is synonymous with growth. It is certainly hoped that the ‘Infinite Eight’ strategy will prompt the potential for prosperity, personal growth and limitless possibilities for all.
These opportunities will be experienced over the course of a child's primary school years. The prime purpose of the strategy is to ensure all Epworth children receive parity of this core experience offer. The eight opportunities are linked:
- Epworth's vision and values
- SMSC and British Values
- NHS' 5 steps to wellbeing
Our new display board will reflect the experiences we offer. I can't wait to see this develop!
Here are the core activities...